Breaking the loop!
Just give myself a fresh start! In a day to day life, sometimes it feels like are we alive or not. It just feels like a walking zombieā¦ Everything is on auto-pilot mode. Its reallt hard to ask myself, how many decisions i took consciously. How much choices do i make are really my own ? There is so much noise around myself filled with the Attention Industry. Like the Matrix movie where a human being is converted into a battery, we are converted into a slaves of this Attention Industry/Economy. From social media apps to unlimited web series, video games, pornographic contents, news channels, movies all are the parts of this industry.
So I would like to reset button, and give a fresh start. Unplug myself to this matrix, and start new. Focus on this moment.
Here and Now. Experience the reality however it seems boring, but live it, Change it, Experience it.